9 July, 2024 thought
Have you ever truly considered the Lord's Prayer? Studied it, in whole or in part? A number of years ago, I was struck by one verse in particular, from the King James Version: Matthew 6:12 "And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors." Some versions translate debts to trespasses or wrongs. Figuratively, a debt is something owed, a due. Morally, a debt is a fault. This clearly says that if I do not forgive someone their debts or faults against me, I have just prayed to the Father and requested that He not forgive me! So considering this, if I have even the slightest grudge against any other person and have not forgiven them, then I have just condemned myself to eternal judgment. So, am I headed to Hell because I cannot forgive the grade school bully for taking my lunch money once? What about those wrongs done against me that I have completely forgotten about but never forgave the person(s) involved? Will a truly, heartfelt blanket statement of forgiveness of all these suffice? Have you thought about this yourself?
This came to mind again this morning as Alice and I were listening to one our favorite podcasters and I again pondered the ramifications of an unforgiving heart while I took a very sweatful morning walk before the heat index went over 90 degrees. Any thoughts or comments yourself?
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